After a wonderful day and night at Bucklers Hards Alex had his customary three “Minute Steak” breakfast and we prepared Yaga for our journey to Bembridge. We slipped lines at 0925 and set sails immediately.

It was delightful sailing out of Bucklers Hard under Gods own power and sailing upstream along the Beaulieu River and into the Solent.
A pleasant sail in glorious sunshine passing Cowes, Osbourne Bay, Osbourne House, Wooten Creek, Ryde and Portsmouth and then a leisurely entry through the winding buoys and into Duvers marina and onto a finger pontoon, mooring up at 1345. The marina was absolutely full, with yachts rafting 5 to 6 in places.
We had the foresight to book “Baywatch on the Beach” for 1815, but prior to that we took the tender out for a potter to the east side of the entrance and Alex had fun digging in tunnels and playing in the sand and all this in amazing sunshine and 26 degree temperatures.