Travelling South

After preparing Arctura and stowing the tender in 25kt winds we regrettably had to leave our home and set sail south for Punta Aldia. The sail south was brisk, but eventually the wind died down and we had to motor the last leg. We had spectacular scenery along the way and the last part of the journey into Punta Aldia was peppered with shouling rocks. This beautiful, quite little marina has room for 300 yachts and was moderately priced at 50€. There is a well equipped supermarket and a few shops and a couple of restaurants. We noticed that the Italian supermarkets we frequented don’t stock meat not chicken of either fresh or frozen variety. We are on a mission to find out why ?

Isola Budelli

We weighed anchor from Porto Palma and set sail for the pink coral beeches of Budelli. A cracking sailing with lots of tacking and arrived at noon at Budelli and achired in about 6 mtrs with wonderful views. After lunch we took the tender to the pink beech, although it wasn’t really that pink, so a bit of an oversell by the Sardinian tourist office, but beautiful none the less. Wonderful turquoise seas with rocks perturbing everywhere.

At anchor in Porto Palma Bay

We stayed here for two nights. It’s a beautiful and very sheltered anchorage with less sweel than you get at Town Quays marina in Southampton. In fact there was no sweel. The peacefulness was only interrupted by the passing a small sailing dingies training the new population of future yachtmen and women.

We dedcied the walk into Madellena, which was a 12km walk. The first part through the picturesque national park covered with pine trees and always wonderful views. 

Across the bridge and it becomes a different world, industrial and full of what appears to be dilapidated council estates.

On reaching Madellena however the world changes again into a beautiful working harbour, bustling with tourists and a range of fantastic restaurants, one of which we frequented. We caught a cab back to Porto Palma and back to Arctura via our ever faithful tender, which has yet to be named. 

The day was completed by a spectacular sunset and culminated by an explosion of bright stars and planets across the darkness of space.


Anchoring in Paradise

After a quick passage plan we set sail for some anchorages, primarily Spiaggia di Cala Coticcio, or locally know as Tahiti Bay.A wonderrous anchorage full of turquoise and blue colours with fine golden sand beeches. Ed and I took the tender out and landed on the golden sands and I went swimming in the clear, fresh waters of this beautiful bay. Even in mid May the waters were warm if not a little refreshing. 

Passage planning

After a few hours we set sail for and sheltered Bay , Velico Caprera. The wind picked up to 22kts on our sail and arrival, but even in these conditions the bay is sheltered and comfortable with practically no movement, We anchored in 8mtrs of water as per local knowledge given to us in Portisco by a friendly chap by the name of Giusepppe, and contrary to expensive pilot books.

Here are some photos of our overnight anchorage.



We have arrived in Sardinia. A 0630 entry into Portisco after a fantastic night sail.

We spent the first part of the morning catching up on sleep, cleaning Arctura and generally lazing around, and a lunch of mussel and clams spaghetti made by myself aboard Arctura.

Not much to see here and rather a disappointment after the last few days of being spoilt by the wonderful locations of Calvi, Elba, Capraia and Giglio. But the food was up to scratch in the local restaurants of the marina.


Giglio to Marina di Portisco

We left Giglio at 1430 on the 10th of May, our destination Portisco on the Island of Sardinia.

We had a fantastic time on Giglio with a combination of site seeing, walking, cooking on board and the occasional restaurant. But one of the best experiences was meeting new friends, including a great Swiss chap called Reto and a delightful German family wit two children. Lilli, Oli, Jakob and Emily. We already miss them, but will hopefully maintain contact. One of the most pleasurable things about sailing is meeting people of the same mindset. Here are some photos of our newly found friends. 

Lilli, Oli, Jakob and Emily
From left to right Emily, Jakob and Emily, on their yacht Alia.


Reto by his charted yacht

Our last few hours on this beautiful island were spent walking the quayside followed by a light lunch.

We arrived in Portisco, a 102 miles in a 16 hours sail and it was a sail all the way, averaging 6.4kts with a maximum speed of 8.8kts. Here are some photos and video along the way.

Moon and sea at 0100 on the 11th of May


Day 11 – resting up on Isloa Del Giglio

A day of rest on the wonderful Island of Giglio.

This is where the Costa Concordia sank and so a sad place in many ways but also beautiful. it’s nice to see the locals respect those deceased in the tragedy. They have placed a statue and plaque as a remeberance.

We caught a bus to Castillo for a walk around the old town and then to the beech for lunch. Whist there we saw a Polish Tall Ship, the Pogoria from Gdynia.

We can back and the boys had a sieasta, whilst I caught the bus back up to Castello and walked back 6kms via an ancient Roman Road. Here are some of the views on the way back.

Then back to Arctura for some friendly advise from our German neighbours about places to visit in Sardinia, for which we sail tomorrow.

And still sailing south

After spending a night in Santa Maria Navaresse we sailed south again.

We left at 1030 and had moderate winds for just over an hour and then had to engine. Just before our destination of  Porto Corallo we were stopped by a military vessel all hand waving telling us to stop as it was dangerous to proceed. There was a milatary excercise in progress and we were told to divert to within 1 nm of shore and proceed to our destination.

Having arrived in marina di Villaputzu we relaxed in the baking sun. The marina is peaceful and quite with one of everything, although not necessarily open. At 1900 we went out to the one restaurant and had good home cooked fish. The staff were very pleasant, full of chat and laughter and we had more Italian lessons gratis.

Here are so pics of our visit.