I have started making Seraphim my own. This initially involved storing all tools and valuable accessories on board. The main stowage problems on a yacht is space and being able to find things. I decided to store most on my tools and valuable accessories under the fore cabin bunk. This is an easily accessible storage area and I mange to store almost everything.
It’s my belief that from a safety perspective it’s important to have quick access to tools. Not only for me, but also for the entire crew. Imagine a scenario where I’m incapacitated and the crew need vital equipment to resolve a leak or engine issue. Where would they start, how would they ever be able to find stuff ?
With is in mind I placed all tools in easily accessible plastic storage boxes, which keeps similar tools together, dry and protected. All boxes are clearly labeled with an indelible marker and then mapped on a diagram with is available to crew in printable format. To enhance the finding process, I have also made this available in pdf format, which can be installed on any phone or tablet, of crew members. The crew can simply type in a keyword and find the location of the said item which will be displayed on their device.
Here is an example of the fore cabin location map and I intend to do the same for all other areas of yacht. This will not only include tools, but also safety equipment, cooking utensils, sails, etc etc etc