And so we have arrived at Tuerredda, The first place in almost two month where we have been to before with Arctura. You could say we are in home waters. This, in my opinion is the very best anchorage on the southern coast of Sardinia. Although this time we were shooed away from Tuerredda, as we were a little close to shore, which in a way was a good thing as the beach was so crowded with people that you couldn’t see the sand. So we went to the western Bay “Cala Malfatano”. There was only one other yacht anchored in the bay and the beaches were a lot less full, with perhaps 40 or so people.
Once anchored we prepared our tender and motored ashore and went to a small, but very pleasant beach resturant for our customary spaghetti Botarga and some wine. The staff here were very welcoming and the food of high quality. By the time we had finished our lunch there were more yachts in the anchorage.
Earlier in the day we had some good news that Marta and Massimo would be joining us and sailing the 30 odd miles in their yacht. So to pass the time Ed and I explored the bay by tender and even went ashore to a small pebbled beach.
We waited and waited and had booked a restaurant for the four of us, but still no Marta and Massimo. Eventually, at about 22:00 they arrived in the bay and we guided them in with a torch. They had been delayed leaving and had wind and waves against them all the way, but we were flattered that they made the magnificent effort of joining us for just one night.
We Invited them to Arctura and we promptly made a spaghetti carbonara, which went down a treat with all, including Arba, who promptly christened Arctura after her ordeal.
After jollities and exchanges of sea passages we called it a night and it was off to bed we go. A fantastic day, with fantastic friends. Although only knowing Marta and Massimo for one year, the friendship to me feels like a lifelong one.
Tomorrow the final leg of our Mediterranean Odyssey.