
We weighed anchor just before 11:00 and left our home of Capri and set sail for the 20 mile hop to Ischia. We motored for three quarters of the trip, but about 5 miles off the coast of Ischia the wind picked up and we raised our sails and gently sailed into a southern bay just below Castello Aragonese.

Castello Aragonese – our new home

After lunch we promptly dispatched the tender and made our way ashore for provisions and some light refreshments. Ischia is a beautiful island and the town very clean and charming. The supermarket was a short walk from the quay side and had all we needed. Apparently, its very popular with Germans and it is claimed that Angela Merkel visits every year. There are hot spring baths, and both Elaine and I are trying to convince Edward to have a go to cure his ailments.

Refreshments ashore

Some of the local residents are pictured below

The car watcher
The intellectual

And so back to Arctura and Elaine settled into the F A Cap final of Manchester United and Chelsea, we are not allowed to talk about the result. I prepeared a spaghetti carbonara and we consoled Elaine with food and wine. We stayed on deck and looked out toward Capri, from whence we came and suddenly there was a huge greenish trail of horizontal sparks and light trails. We are all convinced that what we saw was a meteor skimming the atmosphere as it was far out to sea and in no way could have been a firework. Wow what a sight and so bright. An omen for good things to come, me thinks.

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