Unexpected Stop

We decided to leave Bastia, as nice as it was, and head south.Our intended destination was the Port of Taverna, some 22 nms south. Before we left we picked up a replacement gas container and resupply on some fresh food.

We eventually slipped lines at 1120 and motored out of the marina and immediately raised our sails. There was not much wind, but as we only had 20 nms to run, were not in any particular hurry and it was also a beautiful sunny day.

As we approach Porto Taverna, I called the marina and asked if there was a berth and informed, the lady who answered, our intention. Giving her the draft of Arctura, 2.2 metres, she was concerned, but said there should be enough depth at the entrance to get in. Also, almanac reports mentioned it was dredged to 3 metres and Cruising Association reports varied from touching at 2.2 metres, to getting in with yachts of 2.4 metres draft. So armed with this information, we gingerly engined towards the entrance, closely watching the depth gauge. Only 5 metres from the entrance and scrunch,we touched bottom and immediately reversed and back to open water. We touched when the depth gauge read 2.0 metres, so that was out by 20cms, which is good for a safety margin.

So now for plan B. It was now 1700, so we could either head for Solenzara, some 30 nms and 5 to 6 hours away under engine or find a nearby anchorage. The problem with Anchorage’s on the east coast of Corsica, is that they are all exposed to swell and only suitable in calm conditions. We had calm conditions, so we gave it a go and headed for Phare d’Alistro, the location of an old lighthouse.

We anchored in 3.3 metres, sand bottom, and settled for the night. Although rolly it was bearable and a better option than going under engine for 6 hours and arriving at night.

Sunset at anchor

Ed cooked a wonderful steak, with roast potatoes and green beans. We ate on deck with the sun setting and the almost full moon rising. Wonderfully flat seas, bit of a roll, but wonderfully tranquil.

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