Refuelling stop – Santa Maria Leuca

We arrived in Santa Maria de Leuca at 0400 and promptly hit the sack and agreed to get up at 0800

Ahh what a sleep, it’s also beautiful to wake up in a new home, even if it’s only for three or four hours.

We all choose, or were given, tasks to do to make our planned departure of 1000.

Stefano went to get fresh food including steaks and vegetables.

Marta, Massimo and me, cleaned Aria, filled the tanks and then made our way to the old harbour and the the “Sailors Friend Chandlary”, to buy a spare gas bottle, which they did not have. Not surprising for Italy, so I’m told. I did however persuade Massimo to invest in some fishing gear, hopefully the investment will be repaid with a catch.

I think Arba wants to stay in Santa Maria Leuca

Back to Aria of off to the fuel pontoon and full tanks again. Better safe than sorry, for our long onward journey, especially as the next 12 hours or so, show limited winds.

An so off we set, on our sail for the Straits of Mesinna. As predicted, the winds are not more than 5 kts. So we settled into our trip and Stefano excelled himself with a truly wonderful lunch of steak, roasted potatoes and wonderful salads.

Not much change in wind and its now 1900 and apart from seeing a turtle, nothing else to report.

We are motor sailing at 6.9 kts in about 8 kts of wind coming from the south. But the sail is giving us a push.

We have a stowaway. A small, exhausted swallow has joined us and sought refuge. She inside Aria and has made a home for herself and finally Arba has a companion.

So we are about to settle into our night routine and will give you updates later.

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