The Start

An early morning start. Taxi booked for 0430 and off to Gatwick for a 0740 flight to Bari.

Check in went smoothly with the EasyJet automated system and headed straight to Jammie Oliver’s for an English Breakast.

The flight was on time and and most pleasant, with wonderful views of the Alps.

The Alps from 39,000 feet

Arrived in Bari to wonderful clear skies and temperatures of 17 degrees and rising. Sailed through customs and into the arrivals lounge to the warm welcome of Massimo, Marta and Off course Arba and the customary Italian coffee.

So nice to be picked up by the best of friends, who drove 2 ½ to meet me in a hire car. The drive back to the marina was fantastic with stunning views along the coast.


Welcomed aboard by Massimo

Having readied Aria, we set up lines to spring off the pontoon and the reversed into 17kts of wind and into the bay of the marina and then powered forwarded through the breakwater and into the open sea of the Adriatic.

Genoa deployed almost immediately and started our down wind sail on a course of 130 degrees along the eastern coat of Italy. Memories flooded back of my youth in this area with my parents and my sister, I was just 11 years old.

The night drew in and the sky stayed clear to a wonderful welcoming of stars and planets, which included, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn and at dawn Venus and a waning, crescent moon, starting off blood red and then turning to a brilliant white.

Massimo and I ran a 3 hour watch, whilst the other two crew, Marta and Stefano slumbered.

The new day brought wonderful blue skies and warm sun and Stefano serving breakfast of bacon and eggs.

Ran the engine for a couple of hours to charge the batteries and to take advantage of the engine due to the wind dropping. Fortunately, the wind picked up and and the iron maiden was turned off and we returned to Gods power.

Marta, Massimo and Arba
Lunch at sea – it’s a hard life, but someone has to do it
Me and Arba

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